Capital Market

Looking to raise interest free capital for your SME Company
To achieve Corporate Goals?
IPO stands for Initial Public Offering. When a company issues its shares to the public for the first time, thereby raising interest free capital, it is called an IPO. There are numerous stages in an IPO, after which the company gets listed on the Stock Exchanges, the major ones in India being NSE and BSE.
Beeline Capital expertise lies in SME IPO i.e. IPO of Small & Medium Enterprises, listing more than 70 companies on both NSE and BSE. Beeline as a Merchant Banker, performs the entire IPO process, starting from understanding company’s business and accomplishes its capital requirement by underwriting IPO and bridging the gap between the Company’s requirement and Stakeholder’s,financial and legal Due diligence, Capital Structuring, preparing Draft Offer Document and Red Herring Prospectus, IPO marketing including Road Shows and Investor’s Meet. Beeline Capital establishes long-term relationship with the client even after IPO completion, acting as Financial and Corporate Advisor.

Exit offer
Do You Want to Increase/Decrease
Your Stake in Your Company?
When a Listed company wants to get delisted, the promoter of the company gives an opportunity to its existing shareholders to take exit from the company before delisting. The shareholders can sell their shares according to the price determined as per specific valuation of the company. Compliances play an important role here, making it one of the challenging Merchant Banking services.
Beeline’s role lies in preparation of all documents, filing them with the Stock Exchanges, getting their approvals and managing all compliances.
Rights Issue
Are looking to raise capital for your Listed Company
Without Taking Loan From Banks?
Rights Issue is a process where a company gives rights to its existing shareholders as on the record date to buy more securities or convertible debt of that company on a Pre-Determined and Discounted price for a specific period.
Beeline Capital handles the Rights Issue by underwriting the Rights Issue, making strategies for the process, preparing the Letter of Offer, getting the approval from the Stock Exchange and SEBI, and related compliances with legal formalities.
Further public offer means an offer of specified securities by a listed issuer company to the public for subscription. In other words, another issue to the public other than its existing shareholders or to a select group of persons by the listed persons is referred to as a Further Public offer (FPO).
Beeline Capital handles the FPO process, starting from understanding company’s business and accomplishes its capital requirement by underwriting FPO and the bridging gap between the Company’s requirement and Stakeholder’s, financial and legal Due diligence, Capital Structuring, preparing Draft Offer Document Red Herring Prospectus, FPO marketing including Road Shows and Investor’s Meet.

Do You Want To Raise Funds In
A Quicker Way For Your Listed Company?
Preferential Allotment is a process where companies even after getting listed, allots its shares to new selected investors on a preferential basis at a pre-determined price.
Beeline Capital does valuation of securities, identifies and approaches investors, structures entire preferential issue of the companies, getting In-Principle and listing approval from NSE and BSE for the Preferential Issue of Securities, and guides them in meeting compliances.
Corporate Restructuring
Merger & Acquisition
Looking for a reliable team to
Handle Your M&A Deals And Targets?
Merger happens when two or more companies combine to become one and operate as a single entity. Whereas, when a bigger company acquires a smaller company, declaring itself as a new owner, it is said to be an Acquisition. There can be various reasons behind an M&A, few of the important ones being to cut down competition by acquiring, to acquire/merge for company growth or to create synergies by mergers.
Beeline Capital plays a significant role in any M&A Transaction i.e. Valuation of Company and providing Fairness Opinion on valuation given by Independent Valuer, Due-diligence Certificate on Abridge Prospectus. It handles the entire process of M&A Deal initiating from establishing fair value of companies, preparing paper documents, filing them with stock exchanges, getting in principle approval. M&A process is of atleast 5 to 6 months and usually goes on for a longer period of time than IPO.

Are You Thinking Of
Splitting Your Company?
When one or more company splits off into one or more divisions, either to sell them off or to operate as a separate entity, it is called a Demerger. Demergers are the reverse of Mergers & Acquisitions. Among various reasons behind this process, Companies generally go for demergers to increase their shareholder value, reduce risk or to pre-tackle an issue, which is yet to enter the equity market.
Beeline Capital plays a significant role in any Demerger i.e. Valuation of Company and providing Fairness Opinion on valuation given by Independent Valuer, Due-diligence Certificate on Abridge Prospectus. It handles the entire process of Demerger initiating from establishing fair value of companies, preparing paper documents, filing them with stock exchanges, getting in principle approval. Demerger process is of atleast 5 to 6 months and usually goes on for a longer period.
Do you want another way to
Do You Want to Takeover Listed Company?
When any Acquirer wants to acquire listed Company from the promoters of the listed Company through friendly takeover. This type of friendly takeover takes place with the consent of target listed company and its promoters. It’s either by way of agreement between two management or between two groups. Friendly takeover is often termed as negotiated takeover.
Beeline Capital conducts due diligence, structures the modalities of Offer, verifies SEBI (SAST) Regulations, co-ordinates with the Stock Exchanges, assists in opening of escrow accounts, DP account, special account, etc., prepares and submits Public Announcement, Detailed Public Statement, Draft Letter of Offer, Letter Offer, Post Offer Report with SEBI and provides support with all other steps until all the open offer related formalities are met.

Are You Looking To Convert Your
Listed Company To A Unlisted Company/Private One?
The process by which a Listed Company voluntary/compulsory gets removed from the Stock Exchanges is called Delisting. The Promoters of the Company acquires 100% public shareholding of the Company proposed to be delisted. The company can no longer trade on the stock exchange.
Beeline Capital starts by conducting due diligence, evaluating exit price, structuring entire delisting process, verifying promoter’s shareholdings, submitting report to exchanges, obtaining in principle approval/Final Approval from stock exchange/SEBI, assisting in sending final letter of offer, payment to shareholders who have tender shares in delisting.
Company Plans to buy back its shares from the shareholders including promoters of the listed Company. When Company is having surplus and could plans to buy back its own securities.
Beeline Capital conducts due diligence, structures the modalities of Buy Back Offer in adherence with SEBI Buy Back of Securities (Regulations), 2018, verifies SEBI (SAST) Regulations, co-ordinates with the Stock Exchanges, assists in opening of escrow accounts, DP account, special account, etc., prepares and submits Public Announcement, Detailed Public Statement, Draft Letter of Offer, Letter Offer, Post Offer Report with SEBI and provides with all other steps until all the Buy Back related formalities are met.
Corporate Advisory
Looking To Hire A Merchant
Banker To Value Your Company?
Valuation is a process by which a company’s worth is determined based on the historical and projected future financials. There are numerous methods of valuation each serving a different purpose, the most common one being Discounted Cash Flow (DCF method) and Black-Scholes Model. Valuation as per Income Tax Act/Rules, 1962, FEMA Regulation, Companies Act, 2013 etc. Major business decisions like issuance of shares/CCPS/CCD/OFCD etc. to Residential/NRI’s, transfer of Shares/securities, ESOP valuation, Mergers & Acquisitions (determining SWAP ratio, IPO, Delisting etc. are taken based on evaluation of fair value of equity shares of a company. It gives the investors, promoters and shareholders a clear outlook on how the company has performed and where its headed to.
Beeline Capital’s second yet very significant expertise lies in Valuation. It understands the purpose behind valuing a company, does financial analysis, applies appropriate valuation methodologies, forecasts company’s performance, analyzes industry trends and follows every step until the preparation of valuation report. Beeline has done 250+ to 500+ valuations

Do You Want To Re-Check A Valuation
Report Done By Another Firm?
Fairness Opinion Certificate is provided after a Valuation report prepared by Independent Valuer.
Beeline Capital provides Fairness Opinion Certificate on the valuation reports prepared by Independent Valuers w.r.t. SWAP ratio in case of amalgamation/arrangement.
Beeline Capital also provides the Fairness Opinion Certificate on the Abridge Prospectus to be send to the shareholders of unlisted company which is under process of amalgamation/merger with the listed Company.
Migration of Company from Emerge/SME platform to Main Board of Stock Exchange.
Company listed on Emerge/SME platform of NSE/BSE can seek for migration of Company to Main Board of the NSE/BSE on fulfilling the eligibility criteria/Requirement.
Beeline Capital does the due-diligence, prepares the Information Memorandum to be submitted with the Stock Exchage, provides the market capitalization certificate required by Stock Exchange while granting the approval, gets the In-Principle Approval, final listing and trading approval for migration of Company from Emerge/SME platform of NSE/BSE to Main Board of NSE/BSE.
Compliance Health check
Are you worried about meeting your company’s legal
requirements with government authorities?
Compliance Healthcheck is a procedure to ensure that the company has met all the regulatory requirements & compliances. It checks the status of governance and filings of the company with government bodies like Income Tax (IT) Department, Registrar of Companies (RoC), etc. Necessary actions also form a part of the procedure in case of any mistakes.
Beeline scrutinizes the last 5-10 years financials of company and finds errors & loopholes in meeting compliances during a particular period. It conducts due diligence of the company in matters relating to regulatory authorities like IT Department, RoC, GST, etc. along with takeovers. It then prepares final report and also suggests solutions to make amends.

We Have A Way For You To Retain
Your Highly Professional Employees!
ESOP refers to Employee Stock Ownership Plan. It is a kind of incentive which companies provide to their Highly Qualified and Professional Employees whom they want to retain for a long-term period. They provide stock at a price lower than the market rate, thereby, indirectly providing them a stake in the company in return for their services and time.
Beeline Capital determines Fair Valuation of the Shares at which they will be issued to the employees, prepares valuation report, provides Due-Diligence Certificate, ESOP certifications under Securities and Exchange Board of India (Share Based Employee Benefits and Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2021 and manages & advises all compliance related work.


Do You Know SEBI Has Simplified
Compliance Requirements For AIFs?
AIF refers to Alternative Investment Funds. AIFs pool funds from Indian and Foreign investors for investing purpose. As per Securities and Exchange Board (SEBI) norms regarding filing of placement memorandum through a SEBI registered Merchant Banker, Merchant Bankers will independently conduct due diligence of all disclosures in the placement memorandum of AIFs, satisfy itself with respect to veracity and adequacy of disclosures and provide a due diligence certificate.
Beeline Capital exercises Due Diligence of AIFs of India, prepares a report and certificate as specified by SEBI and submits it when draft placement memorandum of AIFs is filed with SEBI or before launch of a new scheme on the SEBI Intermediary portal.